Videos Inspired by When Magic Calls

My collection of short stories reimagines what fairy tales would look like if they took place today. Learn more here.

Do you have a favorite story from When Magic Calls or a video idea for one of them? Let me know by posting your thoughts in the comments!

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Inspired by “Letters from a Wu”

How Zhang Li, the changeling, was born and survived.

Inspired by “Letters from a Wu”

One of the moral choices Zhang Li faces.

Inspired by “A Salty Invitation”

Would you join a siren in the waves if she promised gills?


Inspired by “Voices of Sacrifice”

How one of spirits in Bluebeard’s manor died.

Inspired by “Wolf Girl”

Wild things, no matter how beautify, can’t survive in captivity.

Inspired by “Voices of Sacrifice”

Evil recognizes evil. Vampiress Ruby shares what she sees in the house across the street.


Inspired by “A Love to Sleep For”

Teen Liz is rocking out in her room, day dreaming about her crush, when she hatches a magical plan to win her love.

Inspired by “Bones of the Soul”

If the painted version of Kelly Nazar creates could speak to the real Kelly, this is what she’d say.

Items from the Museum of Magical Artifacts

Each story has an item in the museum.


Inspired by “Bones of the Soul”

Kelly tries all sorts of make trends, until she resembles the painted version of herself in Nazar’s artwork.

Inspired by “Smoke Whispers”

Anang runs into another boy from her past who has wronged her.

Inspired by “A Love to Sleep For”

Liz’s plan to interfere in Shelly’s current relationship and win her crush’s heart fails.


Inspired by “A Love to Sleep For”

Liz dreams of a future where she is no longer controlled by love and explains herself to Shelly.


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