Liz’s Love Potion
Liz’s Love Potion will return the spark to your relationship, the butterflies to your tummy, the sparkle to your lover’s eye. Designed to help couples going through a rough patch, this magic potion does NOT create dangerous infatuation or make someone fall in nonconsensual love. (Liz learned the problems with those spells the hard way.) Instead, Liz’s Love Potion amplifies the love a couple already has.
However, if either you or your partner are not romantically in love with the other, the person who is in love will experience, instant, devastating heartbreak. Therefore, Liz’s Love Potion is recommended for couples who know they are still in love and just need a boost.
TO USE / INSTRUCTIONS: Clean and prick your finger and your lover’s finger. Squeeze until a drop of blood appears. Swirl one drop of blood from each of you into the potion. Wait 10 minutes, then divide the potion in half and drink.
INGREDIENTS: pomegranate juice, crushed rose petals, jasmine, a kiss, cinnamon, chocolate shavings, a red maple leaf, moonlight, harp ballad
Liz’s Love Potion is inspired by “A Love to Sleep For”, a modern day twist on Sleeping Beauty in When Magic Calls by Caitlin Berve.
Jinn’s Wish Tonic
Jinn’s Wish Tonic will grant you one burning desire, one wish so intense you’d do anything to make it a reality. This magic potion will make your dream come true.
But you should understand that Jinns (or genies) are made from smoke and fire. And like a flame, a wish can be a guiding light or a force of destruction. Be sure you understand the true nature of your wish and are prepared for all of its consequences.
TO USE / INSTRUCTIONS: Light a candle (a used birthday candle is recommended for an extra potent wish). Choose your wish. Hold it in your mind as you warm Jinn’s Wish Tonic against your skin by the candlelight. Once the bottle no longer feels cool in your hands, uncork and whisper your wish into it. Drink the tonic and your wish will be granted.
INGREDIENTS: wishing well water, stardust, a fae favor, genie/jinni smoke, dandelion seeds, acorn powder, birthday candle wax, crushed falling leaf
Jinn’s Wish Tonic is inspired by “Fantasma Hunger”, a modern day twist on genies in When Magic Calls by Caitlin Berve.
Draught of Dreams to Nightmares
Draught of Dreams to Nightmares is a black magic potion, so be certain you truly mean to harm its consumer. Disguised as a regular Draught of Dreams, it will place the taker in a deep, unwakeable sleep for 8 hours.
For the first hour, their sleep will be peaceful and filled with wonderous dreams. Then those dreams will morph, forcing the potion taker to confront their greatest stressors, fears, and weaknesses. They will wake groggy, exhausted, and haunted. If consumed often, these effects can be permanent.
TO USE / INSTRUCTIONS: Place the cleansing stone in your pocket to protect yourself from the draught. Warm potion, but do not boil. Stir into your victim’s favorite tea or other hot bedtime drink is if it were milk. Make sure your victim drinks all of the draught. They will fall asleep within 15 minutes of consumption.
INGREDIENTS: warm milk, valerian root, passionflower, ground willow, owl feather, sandman’s sand, breath of a mare demon, weight of a ghost, a pinch of jalapeño
Draught of Dreams to Nightmares is inspired by “Smoke Whispers”, a modern day twist on Sleeping Beauty in When Magic Calls and Flight: A 30th Street Fiction Anthology by Caitlin Berve.
Mermaid Form Elixir
Mermaid Form Elixir allows you to swim in the embrace of the sea worry-free with gills, scales, and fins. Their exact color and shape will reflect your personality. Don’t worry about learning to use your new appendage because this magic potion will grant you that knowledge too.
Although you will feel and glide through the water like a true sea creature, natural mermaids will recognize you are only a visitor. They do not take kindly to uninvited guests in their sacred places, so announce yourself, be respectful, and don’t let them trick you into staying beyond your 24 hours.
TO USE / INSTRUCTIONS: Remove anything you don’t wish to wear as a mermaid and wade into the water at least past your knees. Hold the seashell in your hand and take a deep breath. Drink the elixir. Transformation will take one minute and dissolve the seashell. To return to your human form early, crawl onto land until every bit of you is out of the water and wait one minute.
INGREDIENTS: ocean water, blended seaweed, zap from an electric eel, pearl dust, song of a mermaid, beach sand, fish oil, a selkie’s blessing
Mermaid Form Elixir is inspired by “A Salty Invitation”, a modern day twist on The Little Mermaid in When Magic Calls by Caitlin Berve.
Can’t Decide? Why Not Get All Four?
Liz’s Love Potion, Jinn’s Wish Tonic, Draught of Dreams to Nightmares, and Mermaid Form Elixir are available in a tincture four-pack. Tinctures are smaller, concentrated versions of the color changing magic potions, so I call them Pocket Potions.